Sony Pictures Entertainment

Design & Build

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Bangkok, Thailand

Sony’s office space of 400m2 in Chamchuri Sq. building was SL+A’s Cinema Paradiso – a project we would build for free for the pleasure of working with Sony.

With a huge portfolio of reference materials and familiar brands the challenge was to design a space that has character but was also neutral enough to play back drop to the ever changing characters of the Sony portfolio of movies…Mrs. Doubtfire to Tom Cruise! The palette is dark and subtly references movie house foyers and the pattering of the floor adds to that reference…a history that may sadly be passing for the last time. With a dedicated screening room this complex space needed specialist acoustic, structural and cooling attention and SL+A were pleased to be asked to build the design solution we provided. The office was completed in 2017, and SL+A continue to deliver minor adjustments and changes as the client requires.